廢紙箱做樂器(廢舊紙箱做樂器圖片 )

董乐器 2022-02-27 16:26:34

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海上鋼琴師 | 1900的傳奇(1998)

片 名廢紙箱做樂器: Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, La

譯 名: 海上鋼琴師 | 1900的傳奇

導 演: ( 朱塞佩・托納托雷 Giuseppe Tornatore )

主 演: (蒂姆・羅斯 Tim Roth) (普魯特・泰勒・文斯 Pruitt Taylor Vince) (梅蘭妮・蒂埃裏 Mélanie Thierry) (比爾・納恩 Bill Nunn) (克拉倫斯・威廉姆斯叁世 Clarence Williams III) (彼得・沃恩 Peter Vaughan)

上 映: 1999年08月14日 美國 更多地區

地 區: 意大利 更多詳細拍攝地

對 白: 英語 法語


1900年的第一天,往返于歐美兩地的郵輪Virginian號上,負責郵輪上添加煤炭的工人Danny Boodman在頭等艙上欲撿拾有錢人殘留下來的事物時,卻意外的在鋼琴上發現一個被遺棄的新生兒,裝在TD牌檸檬的空紙箱內。由于堅信「TD」正代表了Thanks Danny的縮寫,于是Danny不顧其他工人的嘲笑,獨立撫育這個嬰兒,並爲了紀念這特別的一天,將他取名爲:1900。


Max在因緣際會下來到Virginian號加入樂隊伴奏,也因此見識到這位傳說中的海上鋼琴師――1900,兩人因此結爲好友。而1900在與發明爵士樂的傳奇鋼琴手Jelly同船競技鋼琴琴藝之後,聲勢更是如日中天。但盡管Max再叁鼓勵1900下船去向全世界展露他的天賦,1900卻始終未曾踏足陸地一步。直到他在爲唱片公司錄制個人專輯時,意外見到船艙之外清秀動人的女孩,並在感動之余創作了《1900's Theme》(即片頭Max與樂器行老板所提到的不知名曲子)。隨著女孩的下船離去,1900的心開始波動,究竟1900會不會爲了去尋找女孩而離開30多年來的船上生活?




・片中那位挑戰1900,還大言不慚的說是他發明Jazz的那位仁兄在曆史上確有其人,他就是Jelly Roll Morton。《The Crave》本來就是他的作品。在電影裏飾演Jelly Roll Morton的那位Clarence Williams III,他父親Clarence Williams也是早期Jazz的重要人物之一。據說是第一位在譜子上使用Jazz這個字眼的人。

・電影中的SS Virginian號在曆史上確有其船,1904年出廠,1954年左右被廢棄。它還與泰坦尼克號有關,據說沉船時SS Virginian號就在附近能接收到無線信號的地方。

・片中輪船的外觀設計靈感來自于SS Lusitania號及其姐妹號SS Mauritania。1900彈鋼琴的舞廳有著跟SS Mauritania號相似的圓形屋頂。


・雖然Tim Roth本來不會彈鋼琴,但經過拍片前半年的魔鬼特訓後應該是學會了。片子裏對1900彈琴時手部的拍攝鏡頭充分說明了那是Tim Roth自己的手(他的手指不長)。要知道做到"形似"對初學者來說已經是很不容易了。

Shortly after the Second World War, Max, a transplanted American, visits an English pawn shop to sell his trumpet. The shopkeeper recognizes the tune Max plays as one on a wax master of an unreleased recording, discovered and restored from shards found in a piano salvaged from a cruise ship turned hospital ship, now slated for demolition. This chance discovery prompts a story from Max, which he relates both to the shopkeeper and later to the official responsible for the doomed vessel, for Max is a born storyteller. Though now down on his luck and disillusioned by his wartime experiences, the New Orleans-born Max was once an enthusiastic and gifted young jazz musician, whose longest gig was several years with the house band aboard the Virginian, a posh cruise ship. While gaining his sea legs, he was befriended by another young man, the pianist in the same band, whose long unlikely name was Danny Boodman T.D. Lemons 1900, though everyone just called him 1900, the year of his birth. Abandoned in first class by his immigrant parents, 1900 was found and adopted by Danny, a stoker, and raised in the engine rooms, learning to read by reading horseracing reports to his adoptive dad. After Danny's death in an accident, 1900 remained on the ship. Increasingly lured by the sound of the piano in the first-class ballroom, he eventually became a gifted pianist, a great jazz improvisationist, a composer of rich modern music inspired by his intense observation of the life around him, the stories passengers on all levels of the ship trusted him enough to tell. He also grew up to be a charming, iconoclastic young man, at once shrewd and oddly innocent. His talent earned him such accolades that he was challenged by, and bested Jelly Roll Morton in an intense piano duel that had poor Max chewing paper on the sofa in agonies of suspense. And yet for all the richness and variety of his musical expression, he never left the ship, except almost, once, in the aftermath of his infatuation with a beautiful young woman immigrant who inspired the music committed to the master Max discovers in the pawnshop. Max realizes that 1900 must still be on the ship, and determines to find him, and to find out once and for all why he has so consistently refused to leave. Written by GMBaxter

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