
董乐器 2021-08-25 17:51:23

对不起我爱你~让爱纯音乐! 这首歌可以用于暗恋的~!暗恋好长时间 终于鼓足勇气去表白~!美丽女人~! 这首可以用于去求婚或者长时间的恋爱~!匆匆那年 歌曲很有难度 很适合一对分开的恋人 重归于好征服 神曲不过多解释了 绝对的神曲~!突然想起你 下雨唱出来更好 效果更到位差不多了 我这么努力的打字采纳呗


《河东狮吼》插曲让爱纯音乐:《一个人背两人的债》 别像个小孩 带着一脸的无奈 找不到依赖 事到如今 我要离开 好好站起来 不要再责怪 为什么从前不坦白 让你身边爱你的人受伤害 你是我一生的最坏 也是我一生的最爱 不能再照顾你的未来 我也要做的明明白白 一个人背两人的债 受多少苦我也能挨 为你跳进忘情苦海 死去再活来 何必太悲哀 多少爱可以重来 上天的安排 事到如今 怎样去改 不要再期待 对自己坦白 对身边的人都关怀 不要再让爱你的人受伤害 你是我一生的最坏 也是我一生的最爱 不能再照顾你的未来 我也要做的痛痛快快 一个人背两人的债 受多少苦我也能挨 为你跳进忘情苦海 死去再活来


这个是地址 /music/20054258504071785.mp3




i look at you

please don′t walk away

i see you′re about to

there is just something i′d really like to say

so please don′t walk away

i know that you′re there

still you pretend you′re not

yes i know it hurts

i have also felt the pain

so should it matter

what i do or what i′ve done

as long as in my heart

you′re still the only one

i hear you say it

but i don′t think you understand

i can be trusted now, i swear to you i can

it′s been a year

a memory from my past

i know what i did wrong

i wish to change

just to make it last

but i guess it′s been to long

easy to move on

to forget about it all

is that what you do, hoping i will be gone

so should it matter

what i do or what i′ve done

as long as in my heart

you′re still the only one

i hear you say it

but i don′t think you understand

i can be trusted now, i swear to you i can

if you got to know me again

maybe then – maybe then

we could see what we should do

but that′s all up to you

i′ll be waiting for you

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